Kepler Reveals Another Planet

The Kepler space telescope hunts for planets. It had located 7 planets orbiting the star Kepler 90, in the Draco constellation. Artificial intelligence went over the telescope data and found one more planet making 8, just like our solar system! Kepler 90i is also the third from its sun, but it’s an uninhabitable 400 degrees Celsius.



Message Sent to Distant Planet

The astronomer group METI, which stands for messaging extraterrestrial intelligence, beams messages into outer space hoping for a reply from aliens. Their recent mail has an address: GJ 273. Luyten’s star is a planet that could support life. The message contained 33 songs, mathematics and speech saying, “Please reply”. It will take 12 years to arrive!

Snow, Snow, Snow

The United States is seeing snow this month. Winter Storm Benjamin even brought rare snow to Florida and southern Texas. But Mount Baker, a ski resort in Washington’s Sierra Nevada mountain range, holds the record for most snow ever in one season: 1140 inches! That’s 95 feet of snow! I need a bigger shovel.

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