Step Away From the Fly Swatter

That little insect buzzing around you might be RoboFly! A tiny flying robot that weighs about the same as a toothpick is powered by lasers! RoboFly uses a lightweight circuit to convert laser light into electrical power so it can fly freely. The tiny robots could be good for tracking down gas leaks in tight spaces.


Now THAT’S How to Avoid Traffic

What if you could travel anywhere in the world in one hour? Elon Musk plans to combine his Boring Company’s Hyperloop, which is a high-speed underground train, with his SpaceX Company’s BFR rocket. After a train whizzes you to a spaceport, a rocket will launch you 16,777 miles-per-hour to your destination! That won’t take long, did it!


Ditch the Dishes!

Hooray! It’s National No Dirty Dishes Day! See if you can go the whole day without dirtying a dish, so you don’t have to wash anything! A good way to do that is to order pizza, which is perfect because it’s also National Pizza Party Day! Who needs dishes anyway!



Hippos are extremely dangerous to humans, killing an average of 2900 people per year in Africa. But it’s even worse for fish! When it rains, tons of hippo poop from hippopotamus pools washes down rivers, killing loads of fish! Death by hippo poop sounds so undignified. At least other animals get to eat easy fish dinners!


Octopuses NOT From Outer Space

Teachers tell you to use valid internet sources when doing research. But even scientific papers that seem legitimate, can make some wild claims. The thesis of Cometary (Cosmic) Biology says, maybe squids and octopuses evolved from alien DNA because their preserved eggs hit Earth in a comet. Cephalopods are strange, but I’m pretty sure they’re not aliens!


Yanny or Laurel or Crazy

A recording of a word has people everywhere arguing whether the word being said is, yanny, or laurel. It’s actually both words being said at the same time, at different pitches. Have your family look it up online and see what everyone hears. You might surprise yourself and hear the other word on a different device!


Are You a Pack Rat?

Today is National Pack Rat Day! Do you pick up shiny objects and cool trinkets to save forever in your house? You’re just like a packrat! They collect treasures for their nests, or middens. Packrat middens are valuable to paleobiologists because they can preserve plants, pollen, and artifacts for 50,000 years. Will they study your midden someday?


Killing it in Killington

65 year-old Scott Howard made a full time job of skiing this season. He has skied every day for 8 to 9 hours at Killington Resort in Vermont, and plans to continue until it closes at the end of May. He’s already skied over 6 million vertical feet this season, which happens to be a world record!


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