Slithering Snakes and Serpents

Today is Serpent Day, which celebrates snakes. Out of 3000 species of snakes, only 1/8th are venomous. The longest species, the reticulated python, can grow to over 30 feet long, while the tiny Barbados threadsnake, is like a 4-inch long spaghetti noodle. Snakes smell the air with their flickering tongues. Can you do that?

Wake Up Your Brain

Today is Ice Cream For Breakfast Day. A study last year actually showed, that eating ice cream or other frozen foods in the morning, had an awakening effect on the brain. People were quicker and more alert, and less irritable. Maybe every day should start with ice cream, instead of cereal!

Needs More Sprinkles

Today is going to be yummy. It’s Dark Chocolate Day! Bittersweet chocolate will get your tastebuds ready, for Baked Alaska Day. The hot-and-cold dessert is a layer of cake, topped with ice cream and meringue, and then baked. Since it’s also Decorating With Candy Day, you know what to do.

The 13th Amendment Abolished Slavery

Today is Freedom Day, commemorating February 1st, 1865, when the 13th Amendment was signed, banning slavery in the United States. The Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, had proclaimed all enslaved people free, but it took 2 years to become part of the Constitution. Because news traveled slowly, everyone wasn’t freed until June 19th 1865.

Wear Stripes Like a Zebra

Do you know why zebras have stripes? While the black and white patterns can help camouflage them in tall grasses, the stripes also discourage biting flies. Scientists discovered flies avoid horses wearing striped coats. Mountain zebras, plains zebras, and Grevy’s zebras, are all native to Eastern and Southern Africa. Happy International Zebra Day!

Satiate Your Hunger With Some Sprouts

Did you know that Brussels sprouts, kale, kohlrabi, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, are basically all the same plant? The wild cabbage was bred for different exaggerated traits. Kale and cabbage focuses on the leaves, broccoli is just the flower, and Brussels sprouts are the buds. It’s Eat A Brussels Sprout Day, so dig in!

Sticky Tape Has Many Uses

Today is Scotch Tape Day. Invented in 1930, clear tape does more than seal packages. Artist Mark Jenkins, uses tape to make sculptures! You might be lucky enough to come across his figures in unusual situations, on the streets in your city. Learn how to use his tape-casting method at, and make your own!

Backwards Talk You Can?

Today is Inspire Your Heart With Art Day. Spend some time creating art, going to a gallery, or learning about famous artists. Did you know that Leonardo Da Vinci, who painted the Mona Lisa, wrote backwards? See if you can do it, for Backward Day! Wear your clothes backwards, and see if anyone notices!

Fake Gorillas Love Hot Chocolate

Do you own a gorilla suit? I’m sure most of you said “No,” but the “Yesses” are in luck. It’s Gorilla Suit Day! Your hairy suit will keep you warm in the snow. Go sledding and surprise everyone! It’s also Hot Chocolate Day, which both gorillas and non-gorillas will enjoy. Don’t forget the marshmallows!

Some Weather-Groundhogs Are Better than Others

Groundhog Day is approaching, so the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration analyzed how accurate weather-predicting groundhogs were. The most famous prognosticator, Punxsutawney Phil, only correctly predicts the coming of spring 35% of the time. New York’s Staten Island Chuck has an 85% success rate, while Georgia’s General Beauregard Lee comes in second, at 80%.

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