Conserve Heat While You Sleep

Conserving energy is good for the planet, so start with your own home, on Cut Your Energy Costs Day. Adjust your thermostat a few degrees, and wear a sweater. Run the dishwasher with a full load. Use LED light bulbs. You could even unplug your TV and game consoles. Ha-ha, just kidding!

Savor the Flavonols

What can help protect your heart, lower blood pressure, is made from a bean, and is celebrated today? Bittersweet chocolate! The bitter tasting flavonols that carry health benefits are removed from cacao beans to make sweeter chocolate, so if you want your chocolate to be good for you, bitter is better!

Is It Peculiar to Talk to Plants?

Today is Peculiar People Day, in honor of those individuals who are a little strange. Do your own thing and be proud! It’s also Houseplant Appreciation Day. You might have even more houseplants in the winter, hiding out from the cold, so tell them thank you for giving you cleaner air!

Watch an Eagle Soar

Today is Save The Eagles Day. It started in 2015, as a way to save a pair of bald eagles named Alice and Al, whose nest was threatened by developers. The day expanded, to raise awareness of the many eagles around the world. There are over 60 varieties, the largest with over 7-foot wingspans!

Has Anyone Seen a Sea Lion Around Here?

Marine rescuers on Vancouver Island Canada, are searching for a wayward sea lion. The sea lion has repeatedly wandered onto a busy highway, far from the ocean. Officials think he came up the river, and is having trouble finding food. They’ll give him a thorough check-up, before returning him to the sea.

Patience Paid Off

Tim King was helping his parents replace some old drywall, when he found a hidden Christmas present with his name on it. The gift had fallen from the attic to remain behind the wall, for 46 years! He opened it to find the Matchbox Thunderjets he wanted when he was 6.

It’s Fun Finding New Species

Every day, there are plant and animal species that go extinct forever. But sometimes, new species are also discovered. In 2024, hundreds of new plants and animals were recorded. Researchers found a previously unknown giant anaconda, a vampire hedgehog, a dwarf squirrel, and a tiger cat, just to name a few.

Up, Up and Away!

In 1793, the first balloon flight in North America took place, when French inventor Jean Paul Blanchard, demonstrated his hydrogen gas-filled balloon. He rode 1200 feet up into the air, astounding a crowd in Pennsylvania, that included President George Washington! Balloon Ascension Day commemorates that event. Don’t release balloons to celebrate though. That’s littering!

What a Shock!

Are you shocked to hear it’s Static Electricity Day? Static electricity is produced when the positive and negative charges of an atom become unbalanced. See static in action by rubbing a balloon against your head. It will stick! Shuffle around the carpet with rubber-soled shoes and try to zap someone. Yee-ouch!

Please Infect Me

In 1981, Joan White decided to spread joy every January 8th. She thought happiness could be infectious, so she called it National Joygerm Day. Do something nice for someone, or write an e-mail or letter. Tell them you are spreading germs of joy and ask them to help you infect the world!

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