Shop and Play

Just in case you haven’t turned on a TV, listened to a radio, or seen any ads on your computer, don’t forget to go buy gifts. It’s Shopping Reminder Day! Remember, making gifts for people is awesome, so maybe you only need glue. It’s also Play Day With Dad. Will you let him win?

Hope for Endangered Animals

New research is showing great news for whales in the South Atlantic Ocean. At one point, the population of humpback whales in the area had dropped to only 450. Since whale-hunting was banned in the 19 80’s, the population has grown to around 25,000. That’s proof that with enough help and protection, endangered species can recover.

Food For Fines

Police departments occasionally let people pay their parking tickets, by making donations to help the community. There have been requests for pet food, school supplies, and toys. The Bay Village Police Department in Ohio, is asking for food donations instead of parking fines. They’ll accept donations, even if you didn’t get a ticket!

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