Spidey to the Rescue!

A 4 year-old in France was in danger, hanging off a balcony 4 stories up. When Mamoudou Gassama saw the dangling boy, he dashed across the street and climbed the building, hoisting himself from balcony to balcony just like Spider-man! It took him only 30 seconds to rescue the boy, but Mamadou Gassama from Mali is a hero forever!


Alexasaurus Sounds Good

Have you been saving your money? It’s almost time for the dinosaur auction! A 70% complete skeleton that resembles an Allosaurus will be sold in Paris, in the Eiffel Tower. The fossil is expected to sell for 1 to 2 million dollars with an added bonus: you might get to name the new species!


Conversations with Orcas

A killer whale at Marineland Aquarium in Antibes France has learned a new trick. The 14 year-old orca can mimic sounds made by other whales and humans! Wikie can say words like “hello,” “bye bye” and “one two three.” She can also say her trainer Amy’s name and make fart noises through her blowhole!


Square Waves Mean Danger

Have you ever seen square waves? It’s a common sight in Isle of Rhe, an island in France. The ocean’s surface sometimes form the pattern of a chess board. The phenomenon is called a cross sea, and occurs when waves from one weather pattern intersect another wave system. But beware: they create dangerous riptides!
