Colors of Spring

Today is Holi, an ancient Hindu festival marking the start of Spring that dates back to the 4th century. People across India celebrate by throwing water and colored powder on each other. If you want to celebrate too, make sure you explain the holiday before you douse someone!

Robotics to the Rescue

When robotics engineer Milind Raj saw a puppy in trouble on his morning walk, he flew in to help. The puppy was stuck in a drain in Uttar Pradesh India, that would have been too dangerous for a human to enter. Milind got his drone, attached a robotic arm, and piloted a puppy rescue!


Let the Sunshine In

Diu, a district in India with 56,000 people, is powered by 100% solar energy, generating more electricity than the district even needs! California’s solar farms have also been producing record amounts of energy. They sometimes send electricity to Arizona and other states so their power lines aren’t overloaded. Sunshine power is amazing!


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