InSight Lander on its Way to Mars

NASA just launched an interplanetary rocket from California. If all goes as planned, the Mars InSight lander will arrive on Mars in less than 7 months, on November 26th. The lander’s mission is to drill down to check the planet’s soil temperature, place a seismometer to measure marsquakes, and install antennas to measure the planet’s movements.


Star, Planet, and Meteor Gazing

May and June will be great months to look at the planet Jupiter. It’ll be bright throughout the night, in the constellation Libra. While you’re planet-gazing, look for reddish Mars, and bright sparkling Venus. The mornings of May 4th and 5th, Saturn will be near the moon. Eta Aquariid meteors should peak that night! Watch those skies!


As Orange as Snow?

Across Eastern Europe, it looks like Mars. In Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania and Russia, the snow is orange! It turns out there was a big sandstorm in the Sahara Desert. Fine particles of orange sand were lifted into the atmosphere, traveled over 2000 miles, and came back down mixed with snow!


Is Mars a Big Sponge?

Scientists believe Mars used to have water billions of years ago and thought the solar winds dried out its atmosphere. New data shows Martian rocks can hold much more water than Earth rocks. It’s possible Mars could just be a big sponge that soaked up all the water and is still holding it underground!


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