The largest pillow fight ever, took place in Minnesota on Friday. Mike Lindell, the inventor of MyPillow, supplied over 66,000 pillows to participants. The Minnesota Vikings football stadium was filled with people battering each other with pillows for 2 straight minutes. Everyone got to take their new, slightly demolished, pillows home with them!


Snowball in a Can

One of the coolest souvenirs for sale in Minneapolis during the Super Bowl was snow. The ad agency space150 sold snowballs in a vending machine! For one dollar, you’d get a see-through can with a handmade Minnesota snowball in it, and the money was donated to the Wilderness Inquiry organization.


Zip Past the Super Bowl

There’s more to do than see the Super Bowl if you’re in Saint Paul Minnesota today. You can ride on the world’s longest zip line across the Mississippi River! The Bold North Zip Line is 110 feet tall and nearly 800 feet long. 10,000 tickets have been sold for the quickest way across the Mississippi.
