Can I Have a Pet Enzyme?

Enzymes are substances in plants and animals that speed up biochemical reactions. Japanese scientists had found one enzyme that could digest plastic. While studying that, scientists accidentally created a super-enzyme that can eat plastic in only a few days! They are working on ways to use this exciting discovery to save our planet from plastic trash!


Plastic is Polluting the Planet

Over 8 million tons of plastic end up in the world’s oceans every year. Recycling plastic helps, but countries and companies are looking for other solutions. Eliminating plastic packaging, banning plastic straws and bags, taxing single-use plastics, and changing the way people think are a start. See what plastics YOU can stop using!


Caterpillars helping to protect our planet

Plastic bags and other polyethylene based materials have been a menace when being disposed of, often taking decades to breakdown.  Scientists identified several species of caterpillars that eat and digest the plastic. The bacteria in their gut was breaking it down. So, by using that same bacteria on plastics, you humans can reduce this pollutant and help save your planet.