Tiny Lizard Unlocks Evolution Clues

Scientists have recently discovered a 240 million year-old lizard! The Megachirella wachtleri is only 3 inches long, but it is the ancestor of all living lizards and snakes! The Triassic period fossil was found in the Dolomite mountains in Italy 15 years ago, but new technology has revealed the lizard’s monumental importance in understanding their evolution.


It’ssss SSSSSSerpent Day

Today is National Serpent Day, which celebratessss snakessss. There are more than 3000 species of snakes, of which only 1/8th are venomous. The longest species, the reticulated python, can grow to over 30 feet. The tiny Barbados threadsnake is like a 4-inch long spaghetti noodle. Snakes smell the air with their tongue. Can you do that?
