556 Presidents’ Day

In honor of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, students at Lincoln Elementary School in Louisville Kentucky set a new world record. 556 people donned stovepipe hats and black paper beards to become the largest group to dress as Abe Lincoln. What a nice 209th birthday present for Honest Abe!


Zip to a World Record

Glenn Quillin celebrated turning 102 in California by becoming the oldest person to ride a zip line! If he lived in the United Arab Emirates, he could set his world record on another world record: the 1.75 mile Ras Al Khaimah is the world’s longest zip line. You can fly 93 miles per hour in the mountains!


Zip Past the Super Bowl

There’s more to do than see the Super Bowl if you’re in Saint Paul Minnesota today. You can ride on the world’s longest zip line across the Mississippi River! The Bold North Zip Line is 110 feet tall and nearly 800 feet long. 10,000 tickets have been sold for the quickest way across the Mississippi.


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